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War Baby (with detail)
69 ”h x 49”w
I am a war baby.  I was born when my father was serving our country during WW II. 
I know the joy the birth of a child must be when you are in such difficult times. 
The other meaning of War Baby refers to the children who are killed during war.

   My mother gave me 4 letters she wrote to my father during the war written as though I (at 3 months) had written them.  Since I think she wrote him every night, as did many women, this was just a different approach for her to tell him about my day. I copied one letter onto fabric and used it in the quilt.





Totem (with detail)
63”h x 39”w




For Mother 1
28.5 ”h x 22.5”w

For Mother 2
28.5 ”h x 22.5”w


© 2004 - Jane Burch Cochran
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